Make your voice heard!
Join in our advocacy efforts and make your voice heard!
How to Use the Tool
Home Tab
On the Home tab, you'll see Key Issues, Our Issues and Find Your Elected Officials.
KEY ISSUES: It's here where you'll find information about specific bills or legislation that require timely advocacy and action.
Click the "Take Action" button under each item to find your legislators. It's here that you'll also be able to send them a message or share the action on social media through the automated tool.
OUR ISSUES: It's here where information about legislation and other advocacy issues that CCBH is monitoring will be located. Some of the items may soon require action.
FIND YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS: Use the search function to find contact information for your elected officials.
Other Tabs
DIRECTORY: Click the word Directory in the top menu and enter your address and zip code to view your elected officials. You can also view the US Congress directory, leaders, committees and other information on this page.
ELECTIONS: Click the word Elections in the top menu to learn more about New York Voter Information including dates for elections, district numbers, deadlines, and more.
For questions about the tool or any of our advocacy action items, please contact info@ccbhny.org.